Kyle Peters

Cohort Year: 2013
Research Interests: Japan
Education: BA: Colorado State University (Philosophy, Anthropology), 2009 MA: University of Hawaii at Manoa (Comparative Philosophy), 2013


My dissertation, Social Ontology in Modern Japanese Aesthetics, serves as an extended philosophical investigation into the aesthetic structures constitutive of social formations, while at the same time providing an inter-disciplinary and historical investigation into the central role that philosophical schools and literary coteries played in the formation of counter-publics in modern Japan. My most recent publication was: “Artistic Production and the Making of the Artist: Applying Nishida Kitarō to Discussions of Authorship” in Philosophy East and West 68.2. My recent presentations include: “The Kyoto and Tokyo Schools in the Sphere of Print: Moving Beyond Academia through the ‘Culture of the Printing Press’” at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, and 「初期の西田哲学とオートポイエシス-自己形成の二つ形態」[Early Nishida Philosophy and Autopoiesis: On Two Frameworks of Self-Formation] at the University of Tokyo.