Ka Kei Lau

Research Interests: Early Modern China
Education: BA: University of Oxford (2022), MFA: Columbia University (2024)


Ka Kei Lau is a poet and translator born in Macau. Before joining the doctoral program here at Chicago, she received an MFA from Columbia University and a BA in English from the University of Oxford. Eyes struggling in binocular rivalry between Chinese and English, she developed eyelets to consider an apeirogon of intercultural, intersemiotic, and interinterested translations across stage and page, from stroke to pixel. Her research includes the reconstruction of qupai 曲牌 melodies in Chinese opera (upon which poetry could be grafted) and chasing after specters from Ming-Qing literature into the modern world (and vice versa). You will not find her squatting on the qwerty, digging archives for the Sinitic mole, or stuck spinning 十 to X, because she will make time for your company. Reach out to kakei@uchicago.edu