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Faculty Bookshelf

Has Man a Future? Dialogues with the Last Confucian
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2010

The Politics and Literature Debate in Postwar Japanese Criticism, 1945-52
Lexington Books, 2017

Literature Among the Ruins, 1945-1955: Postwar Japanese Literary Criticism
Lexington Books, 2018

Sayonara Amerika, Sayonara Nippon: A Geopolitical Prehistory of J-Pop
Columbia University Press, 2012

The Dawn That Never Comes: Shimazaki Toson and Japanese Nationalism (Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University)
Columbia University Press, 2003

Kaley Mason
Sound Alignments: Popular Music in Asia's Cold Wars
Duke University Press, 2021

A Fictional Commons: Natsume Sōseki and the Properties of Modern Literature
Durham: Duke University Press, 2021

Refiguring East Asian Religious Art: Buddhist Devotion and Funerary Practice, Edited by Wu Hung and Paul Copp
Art Media Resources, 2019

The Body Incantatory: Spells and the Ritual Imagination in Medieval Chinese Buddhism
Columbia University Press, 2014

"Dhāraṇī and Mantra in Ritual, Art, and Text,” Special Issue of the International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Culture 30.2, 2020.”

For Dignity, Justice, and Revolution: An Anthology of Japanese Proletarian Literature
University of Chicago Press, 2016

The Cornucopian Stag: Performing Commerce in Early Modern China
Harvard University Press, 2023

Making Modern Japanese-Style Painting: Kano Hogai and the Search for Images
University of Chicago Press, 2015

Judith Zeitlin
The Opera Quarterly, ''Chinese Opera Film," volume 26, number 2-3, Spring-Summer 2010
Oxford University Press, 2010

Kaley Mason
Sound Alignments: Popular Music in Asia's Cold Wars
Duke University Press, 2021

Cultures of Labor in Contemporary China, Special issue of positions: asia critique, 31, 2 (May 2023).
Duke University Press, 2023

Tales of Futures Past: Anticipation and the Ends of Literature in Contemporary China
Stanford University Press, 2014

Values, Identity, and Equality in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Japan
Brill, 2015

Of Heretics and Martyrs in Meiji Japan: Buddhism and Its Persecution
Princeton University Press, 1993

Kingly Crafts: The Archaeology of Craft Production in Late Shang China
Columbia University Press, 2021

On Uneven Ground: Miyazawa Kenji and the Making of Place in Modern Japan
Stanford University Press, 2011

The Values in Numbers: Reading Japanese Literature in a Global Information Age
Columbia University Press, 2021

A Book to Burn & a Book to Keep (Hidden): Selected Writings, Li Zhi
Columbia University Press, 2016

The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry: A Critical Edition
Fordham University Press, 2011

Great Walls of Discourse and Other Adventures in Cultural China
Harvard University Asia Center, 2001

The Ethnography of Rhythm: Orality and Its Techniques
Fordham University Press, 2016

The Making of Barbarians: Chinese Literature and Multilingual Asia
Princeton University Press, 2022

Chinese Annals in the Western Observatory: An Outline of Western Sinology's Contributions to the Study of Chinese Unearthed Texts
Walter de Gruyter, 2019

Imprints of Kinship: Studies of Recently Discovered Bronze Inscriptions from Ancient China
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2017

Before Confucius: Studies in the Creation of the Chinese Classics
SUNY Press, 1997

Unearthing the Changes: Newly Unearthed Manuscripts of the Yijing and Related Texts
Columbia University Press, 2014

《周易》的起源及早期演變 (The origin and early development of the Zhou Changes), tr. by Jiang Wen 蔣文
Shanghai Guji chubanshe, 2023

The Tsinghua University Warring States Manuscripts, Volume 1: The Yi Zhou Shu and Pseudo-Yi Zhou Shu Chapters
Tsinghua University Press, 2023
有鳳來儀:夏含夷教授七十華誕祝壽論文集 (There Is a Phoenix That Has Come to Join In: Essays Celebrating Professor Edward L. Shaughnessy's Seventieth Birthday)
Zhong-Xi shuju, 2023

Before Confucius: Studies in the Creation of the Chinese Classics, Chinese Edition
State University of New York Press, 1997

A Story of Ruins: Presence and Absence in Chinese Art and Visual Culture
Reaktion Books, 2013

Martha Feldman
The Voice as Something More: Essays Toward Materiality
University of Chicago Press, 2019

Historian of the Strange: Pu Songling and the Chinese Classical Tale
Stanford University Press, 1997

The Phantom Heroine: Ghosts and Gender in Seventeenth Century Chinese Literature
University of Hawaii Press, 2016

Performing Images: Opera in Chinese Visual Culture
Smart Museum of Art, The University Of Chicago, 2014

Writing and Materiality in China: Essays in Honor of Patrick Hanan
Harvard University Asia Center, 2003

Thinking with Cases: Specialist Knowledge in Chinese Cultural History
University of Hawaii Press, 2007